Friday, August 10, 2007


Awhile back I made a drawing of my desk at work and the drawing started with a small sketch of a stuffed rhino on a post-itâ„¢ pad. Well I had a slow moment today and I made another drawing of that same rhino, this time with graphite.

I like this one.

Ok, off to the airport. I'm flying home to Michigan to spend time with my family. We'll be heading out to vacation on Put In Bay island in Lake Erie off the coast of Ohio. I'm hoping to make a bunch of drawings so check back in a week or so to see a ton of new stuff (hopefully).


Thursday, August 09, 2007


After working late and then having a flat tyre on the way home I finally made it to "Cousins Too" for a burger with Andrew and Travis. After dinner Travis and I went on for a drink at Boat and I started my daily drawings with the above napkin.

Then I was explaining something to Travis about design and how it relates to fashion/apparel (Boring!) and I drew a t-shirt and then filled it in with a dude. The page evolved to what you see here with the addition of some bike parts (front light & brake).

Steve had the latest copy of 100 Bullets which got us talking about comic books and drawing comics. We were talking about how to tell a story with visually dramatic images and how to accomplish this task. This page was my attempt to show something with more dramatic compositions.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I was surfing around today before heading home from work and I came across an image on Face Hunter that caught my eye. It was the graphic print on the dress in this image that really looked nice to me. I quickly grabbed the image and started making my own version of it. I think it's a bit too similar to the original right now but I like the feel of it so far. I'll have to keep working on the idea and make it my own but I'm happy with the start.

The graphic reminds me of the custom paint job on this bike which I really like. I love the way the colors in the graphic are cropped out by the frame but you can read the progression of the lines even thought most of the line is implied. I may try applying my graphic to a bike frame and see how it goes.
