This is a sketch from the van ride from Hong Kong to mainland China. I'm out here for a few days for work and trying my best to make some sketches along the way. Today we were working at one of our vendor's factory revising some Fall '07 product, nothing too exciting to report, until lunch. We had working lunch so food from outside was brought in from outside the factory, "what type of food did you eat?" you might be wondering. Well they picked up some McDonald's food for us and on a whim I decided to have a Big Mac™. The funny part is this Big Mac™ so happened to be my first one, ever! I find it funny that I ended up traveling half way around the world to have my first (and so far only) Big Mac™.
I guess I should have drawn my burger as well.
Good flight and everything? We've been throwing some great parties in your house.
I can't believe you made it 27 years without eating one. It seems like there might be something un-American about that. Based on your reflection in the mirror, (way to sneak in a self-portrait BTW) I was going to criticize you for drawing and driving...but I have no idea what side of the car the steering wheel is on given that you're in China and there's a mix of Eastern and Western cars there.
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